Hong Kong Ready Church Info Evening - Emmaus Rd

Hong Kong Ready Church Info Evening

Hong Kong Ready Church Info Evening


8:00pm - 9:00pm
(view map)


The UK Government has opened a new route (from 31st January) for people in Hong Kong with a British National Overseas (BNO) passport to come to the UK. You can read more about this on the BBC news article.  The UKHK churches initiative is being led by Dr Krish Kandiah and is a collaboration of different organisations looking to equip the UK Church to be ‘Hong Kong Ready’.

Here is a quick video all about it from Krish.

Excitingly, Emmaus Rd has signed up to be a ‘Hong Kong Ready’ church – we really want to be a welcoming and inclusive community – and see this as a really important thing to be doing to serve our brothers and sisters and welcome those moving from Hong Kong to the UK. It’s an incredible opportunity to love our neighbours and a practical way to serve Jesus and each other.

You have the opportunity to sign up as a ‘welcomer’ and be ready to be paired with an individual or family moving from Hong Kong to help them settle into the UK.

We’ve got some brilliant training videos should you be interested in getting involved in this really exciting movement.

We will be hosting a ‘Hong Kong Ready’ info evening on the 25th May, where you can ask any questions you might have and hear more about what being involved would look like!

Sign-up to come along to the zoom, hosted by the ER Hong Kong Ready Church team.

We can’t wait to see you, and get welcoming!
