Social Transformation


Our Lighthouses are vibrant hubs that host a range of projects to support, encourage and empower anyone who finds themselves in need. Our main Lighthouse is in Woking.

Emmaus Rd Guildford holds two annual pop up Lighthouse events at Founders Studio: Back to School in the Summer and Christmas Kindness in Winter.

These annual events are run in partnership with Jigsaw, and reach out to families most in need in our local community. It is an opportunity to bring kindness, hope and joy to families who are finding life a real struggle at the moment – with the cost of living crisis and fuel bills soaring. Families are referred to us by local schools.

We also have a Guildford Jigsaw collection point at Founders, run alongside Tots and Toddlers on a Tuesday morning.

Back to School Guildford, Saturday 22nd June 1-3pm

Back to School is being held at the Founders Studio on Saturday 22nd June.

This year every child referred will receive a new backpack filled with goodies and a £25 shoe voucher. At the event they can also pick up second hand uniform, casual clothes and footwear. We will run our own Cosy Cafe and have activities for the children.  It is always a great fun event and so lovely to be able to show love and support to some of our local community. 

How can I help? 

Join A Team Sign Up Here

We need team for the event and set-up prior to the event day.

Pre- event Preparation/ Donation sorting: (all at Founders)

Tuesday 11th June from 7.30-9pm

Wednesday 19th June from 7.30-9pm

Friday 21st June: 9am-2pm – event set up 

Event Day

Saturday 22nd June:  from 11am – 4pm

Post event clear up: from 3-5pm


 We are collecting the following pre-loved items in good, clean condition:

* Children’s casual clothing up to 12 yrs including coats

* Footwear – football boots, wellies, trainers, school shoes 

* School uniform: white polo shirts, grey trousers, skirts, pinafores ONLY (up to age 14)

* Stationary packs, school sundries (new)

All donations can be dropped to the Yvonne Arnaud on 2th, 9th or 16th June in the morning.

Donations can be made outside of this time with prior arrangement.

We will also need some yummy cakes to serve at our café on the 22nd (these can be dropped off on the 21st or 22nd morning to Founders). Please sign up if you can bring a home baked treat.

Financial Support

If you would like to donate financially to our Back to School campaign see HERE.

Email Sue with any questions.

Regular Opportunities at The Lighthouse, Woking

The Lighthouse in Woking is currently recruiting for volunteers for different projects – click on the links below for full job descriptions and details of the vacancies.

The Cosy Tea & Coffee House
Jigsaw Hub
Jigsaw Storehouse projects

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the Lighthouse roles, please email and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Other Opportunities with Local Charities

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

For people living on a low income life is tough. It impacts every aspect of their lives. Are you interested in helping them gain practical skills and discover a brighter future?

Ann Mather from CAP is currently recruiting for volunteers to help run their CAP Life Skills Course and their CAP Money Courses in Guildford. For more information on these CAP courses:

CAP Life Skills Course   CAP Money Course