Our story begins with the official launch of the 24-7 Prayer movement in a dodgy Guildford nightclub called Bojangles 16 years ago. The club has now been demolished, but 24-7 Prayer is still going strong, having reached more than half the nations on earth.
As 24-7 Prayer rooms multiplied around the world, everyone from Rolling Stone magazine to the Archbishop of Canterbury suddenly got interested. Channel 4 made a TV documentary about our mission in Ibiza and our first "boiler room" community in Reading received a government award.
Finding ourselves accidentally at the heart of a global movement, we began to meet in the Stoke Pub. Achmed, the landlord, turned out to be from...Bethlehem which seemed highly appropriate. Seasons of 24-7 Prayer became the heartbeat of our community, and we began to gather in smaller 'collectives' throughout the area.
These days we have congregations in Guildford, Woking and Aldershot. We have a burning passion to bring life and hope to these cities, this region and the continent of Europe.
You can discover our story in the best-selling books Red Moon Rising and Dirty Glory. Better still, join us and help write the next chapter...