Waverley Abbey Prayer Week + The Furnace - Emmaus Rd

Waverley Abbey Prayer Week + The Furnace

Waverley Abbey Prayer Week + The Furnace


All day
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Waverley Abbey is excited to launch its first-ever onsite week of 24-7 prayer, starting on Saturday 7th October and ending on Saturday 14th October. The prayer room will be open 24-7 and you can sign up for an hour (or more) of onsite prayer at this link: 24-7 prayer signup. For those of you who are unsure about praying for an hour, the prayer room will be set up with a number of installations and prayer activities to help you meet with God.

There will be corporate worship and prayer every day from 12:30-1:30 pm and 8-9 pm. On Saturday 14th we will run The Furnace – 9 hours of corporate prayer and worship. You can pop in for as much or as little as you like over that day, and you can sign up at this link: Furnace signup

The week of 24-7 prayer will be immediately followed at 7:30 pm Saturday with an immersive music and live art experience on the historic Waverley Abbey site with Jon Bilbrough, one of the composers for the Lectio 365 app, and local installation artist, Jono Retallick. For more information on this event, you can go to this link.

Our aim is for Encounter with God to be at the heart of everything we do at Waverley Abbey and we hope that you will join us!


